Bathurst TAFE Stage 6
Department of TAFE
(GAO project architect - design and construction documentation, site attendance)
Completed Feb 2003
This stage of the TAFE site development
includes the construction of a General
Classroom block and “Link” Gallery joining the
new campus Library and Arts Media Buildings.
The buildings have all been designed to sit
along the site contours and for the major
classrooms in each to benefit from a northerly
aspect. Light shelves, and sunshading blades
and screens have been used throughout to
moderate glare and temperatures. Each
building is ventilated via a central south facing
monitor skylight.
The buildings are linked by a stepped covered
way which, with the Link Gallery, defines the
new landscaped campus “heart”. The Library
and Gallery open onto this new core along
with.the existing Canteen and Student Services
The Classroom block has been designed to
define the main north campus entry along with
the existing Administration Block..
The buildings are of lightweight construction
clad in painted ecoply and cfc.
As the site has a considerable crossfall
extensive siteworks were required to
accommodate disabled access throughout and
new carparking behind the buildings.
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