Cabramatta Police Station
(GAO architect with Giuseppe Antonini - design and construction documentation)
Completed 2003
The new Cabramatta Police Station was designed originally to accommodate a 200 strong Local Area Command and a separate Regional Command. The latter was to be separately housed in a suspended concrete enclosure, which had entry and facilities discrete from the Local Area Command. The specifics for the project called for a building, which was designed to observe the particular confidentiality requirements of predominant ethnic groups – mainly Vietnamese – within the area. The entry had to be non-intimidating while still addressing security concerns regarding potential drive by shootings.
The building is bound to the South by Cabramatta Road, to the East by a right of way serving the local shops and providing pedestrian access to the main shopping areas of Cabramatta and to the West by an existing Centrelink building and Council parking area.
The project was delivered to a tight program. Property acquisitions were occurring concurrent with design and documentation activities. The project was completed within budget and ahead of program.